Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Sadness

Sometimes i feel depressed.
i don't know why, but i think everything in my life is getting worst dand worst.
I have do all things i could do...
but it still never succeed...
it hurt me so much, people keep telling me that i have to be patient,
but i can't, i'm not a robot that can keep patient and patient, this time is enough
i dont care anymore...
now i could just hope that the miracle will be happen....

Friday, December 10, 2010


59 Widget Unik

Apa itu widget? Widget ini adalah sebuah tool yang ada pada halaman web / blog (seperti di blog saya ini) untuk mempercantik, memperindah, dan membuat pembaca terkesan. Ada banyak widget di dunia “maya”, biasanya dari pihak penyedia elah diberikan beberapa widget standar yang bisa dipasang, tapi tentunya untuk memaksimalkan tampilan kita harus mencari widget lain pada penyedia-penyedia widget yang lain.

Nah, oke, Let's cekidot

  1. MyBlogLog’s Recent Readers– Widget satu ini sejak kehadirannya didunia lain blog langsung mendapat sambutan meriah layaknya seleb baru yg lagi naik daun. Widget ini memperlihatkan avatar dari para pengunjung blog Anda. Dan dengan kepopuleran widget satu ini sampai-sampai manajemen MyBloglog mampu meyakinkan Yahoo untuk membeli sahamnya. Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah memiliki account Yahoo lebih dulu.
  2. Mashable– Widget ini menyediakan semacam newsreel (headline news) dalam element blogger yang memberikan cuplikan berita/postingan dari sosial networking. Bedanya ada pilihan warna untuk disesuaikan dengan layout blog Anda.
  3. Headline News – Seperti widget mashable, widget ini pun menampilkan cuplikan headline berita dari situs-situs di seluruh penjuru dunia.
  4. Flickr Flash Photo Stream Badge – Widget ini menampilkan photo-photo dari profil flickr Anda secara berurutan dan dengan sentuhan flash. Flickr merupakan bagian dari yahoo jadi untuk mendapatkan widget ini Anda memerlukan account yahoo seperti pada widget MyBlogLog di atas.
  5. Preview Anywhere– sudah cukup terkenal juga nama snapshots bagi pengguna blogger bahkan untuk WordPress widget ini menjadi rekomendasi khusus dalam dashbord admin penggunanya. Fungsinya untuk melihat preview link keluar dengan tampilan popup yang tidak terlalu besar ketika pengunjung mengarahkan mouse pada teks atau banner yang “mengandung” link.
  6. Twitter Badge– Jika dalam keseharian hidup Anda banyak hal-hal menarik dan begitu penuh warna dengan segudang aktifitas serta ingin agar orang lain tahu dan menampilkan cuplikan kalimat-kalimat pendek *satu paragraf misalnya* (140 karakter) Anda sedang melakukan kegiatan ini, Anda sedang berada dimana, Anda sedang bersama siapa, Anda sedang, sedang, dan sedang lainnya…. Maka widget ini cocok untuk dipasang pada blog Anda. Daripada bikin sendiri element blogger/WordPress *secara manual*menuliskan teks sebagai pesan kepada pengunjung blog Anda bahwa Anda sedang ini-itu, saya sarankan lebih baik menggunakan widget ini. Widget ini akan menampilkan “tweet” terbaru Anda.
  7. Digg News – Widget ini manampilkan Link terakhir yang masuk ke Digg sebuah social bookmarking yang sudah “kakoncara” dijagat perbloggan. Pilihan theme dan warna mudah untuk Anda atur agar sesuai dengan template blog Anda.
  8. FEEDJIT – Feedjit merupakan layanan real time traffic pada blog Anda. Ada empat pilihan widget Feedjit yang bisa Anda gunakan, silahkan kunjungi saja Feedjit dan lihat empat widget apa saja yang tersedia.
  9. LineBuzz – Komentar dalam widget inline untuk Blog Anda. Widget ini sangat berguna bagi blog yang memiliki frekuensi di atas 900 Mhz tinggi dalam menerima komentar, sehingga memudahkan berkomentar jika terjadi diskusi yang berkepanjangan *waaah keren euy*. Hanya sayang, pengunjung harus terdaftar LineBuzz dulu untuk berkomentar *bikin berabe juga*
  10. Flixn – Jika kompi atau laptop Anda terpasang webcam, maka widget ini bisa digunakan untuk memperlihatkan ekspresi “narsis” Anda langsung melalui blog Anda *heuheu* . Jadi pengunjung blog tidak hanya membaca postingan Anda tapi bisa menyaksikan “konser” Anda didepan monitor, mirip webcam yahoo.
  11. 3Jam – Widget ini memudahkan pengunjung blog untuk berinteraksi dengan Anda dengan mengirimkan SMS pada henpun Anda tanpa mereka tahu nomor HP Anda.
  12. Jaxtr– Seperti halnya widget 3jam di atas, dengan menggunakan widget Jaxtr ini, pengunjung blog bisa menghubungi HP Anda tanpa mereka tahu nomor HP Anda. *nomor HP Anda dijamin kerahasiaannya*
  13. LinkedInABox – Menampilkan profile Anda di LinkedIn. Dan widget ini sangat cocok untuk blog personal.
  14. Box Widget– Dengan widget ini, memudahkan pengunjung blog Anda untuk mengupload file ke tempat penyimpanan online box.net melalui widget box.net pada blog Anda.
  15. Price of gas – Menampilkan harga bahan bakar kendaraan bermotor secara online (US$), kalo di Indonesia mungkin seperti harga Bensin premium, pertamax dan solar. “sangat cocok” untuk pengunjung blog Anda yang mobilitasnya tinggi. *terasa aneh* tapi kalo blog Anda memang membahas masalah gas bumi, bahan bakar dan yang sejenis maka widget ini sangat cocok, lagian tidak perlu mendaftar hanya mengcopas scrift yang disediakan Gas-Cost.Net.
  16. iBegin Weather Widget – Menampilkan laporan cuaca untuk wilayah Kanada dan Amerika. Seperti widget Price of Gas di atas widget ini hanya cocok untuk blog yang memang membahas masalah yang sama.
  17. ClockLink – Sepertinya widget ini yang paling banyak diminati dan digunakan para blogger yang peduli dengan manajemen waktu, seperti namanya clock, widget ini menampilkan petunjuk waktu atau jam pada blog Anda.
  18. Film Loops – Menampilkan kesimpulan film terakhir yang Anda tonton melalui account FilmLoops Anda.
  19. Daily Painters – Widget ini sangat cocok bagi Anda yang berjiwa seni tinggi karena widget ini menampilkan lukisan-lukisan dari pelukis terkenal di dunia.
  20. WhoLinked – Memperlihatkan kepada pengunjung blog Anda situs-situs yang telah melink pada blog Anda. tidak perlu mengupdate karena WhoLinked ini secara teratur mengupdate sendiri web/blog yang melink blog Anda.
  21. Criteo AutoRoll – Widget ini memperlihatkan link menuju blog-blog yang sehaluan dengan blog Anda. Sehaluan…? Secara…! Heuheu.
  22. Calender – Berbeda dengan WordPress yang sudah mempunyai widget ini di dalamnya, untuk pengguna blogger widget kalender belum tersedia, oleh karenanya jika Anda ingin menampilkan kalender maka widget satu ini pantas di perhitungkan.
  23. Bitty Browser – Menampilkan web browser “mini” pada sidebar blog Anda. Tapi mesti hati-hati sama yang namanya “mini” ada rok mini, metro mini, dan mini-mini yang lainnya… *beuh ga nyambung*
  24. Leafletter – Ini juga sama masih masalah mini, widget ini membuat website mini dan menyimpannya pada blog Anda.
  25. WikiSeek – Menampilkan widget untuk pencarian pada Wikipedia.
  26. FeedCount – Menampilkan jumlah pengunjung blog Anda melalui banner kecil dan widget ini berhubungan dengan account feedburner Anda.
  27. Technorati Link Count– Menampilkan reaksi jumlah link yang menuju blog Anda dari salah satudirectory blog terbesar dan terpopuler abad ini… dialaaaaaaah Technoraaaaati. *juara tinju dunia kita* halaaaah.
  28. MyPageRank – Inilah cara lain untuk sombong menunjukkan betapa hebat dan bermanfaatnya blog Anda dengan menampilkan Ranking Google atau Google PageRank (PR). Penilaian PR google ini seperti saat kita SD dulu ada rangking 1 sampe 10, bedanya PR yang baik menurut google itu yang lebih besar alias 10, kalo baru satu berarti belum besar-besar amat blog Anda.
  29. CheckPageRank – Pilihan lain untuk menampilkan PR blog Anda, namun kelebihannya widget ini menampilkan juga ranking Alexa.
  30. Counter Statistic – Bagi Anda yang ingin melihat jumlah pengunjung Anda sehari-hari, maka widget ini adalah salah satu yang menyediakan fasilitas tersebut.
  31. Web/Blog Counter – Widget ini datangnya dari Histats.Com yang memungkinkan Anda bisa melacak pengunjung datang dari mana saja, lewat pintu mana saja, dan menghitung jumlah pengunjung blog Anda sehari-hari berapa, referer dari blog mana saja, dan jika melalui search engine semisal google, yahoo, msn menggunakan keyword apa. Jika Anda ingin melihat IP Address pengunjung blog Anda, widget histats ini yang bisa saya rekomendasikan.
  32. BlinkxIt – Widget mantab sangad karena menampilkan banner kecil dibawah setiap postingan blog Anda, ketika banner BlikxIt itu di klik maka keluar mini popup seperti snapshot dan menampilkan video yang berhubungan dengan postingan blog Anda.
  33. Skype button – Seperti widget menampilkan status online YM pada blog Anda, widget ini pun hampir sama cuma bedanya status online/offline pada account skype Anda yang ditampilkan.
  34. RockYou Horoscope – Saya tidak menganjurkan widget ini pada blogger muslim, soalnya ini berupa ramalan yang sudah jelas-jelas dilarang oleh agama kita sodara-sodara! Konsekuensinya jika Anda percaya ramalan maka 40 hari shalat Anda tidak diterima *mode galak* Heuheu…
  35. Bravenet Horoscope – Seperti halnya widget di atas, bravenet pun menyediakan widget horoscope untuk blog Anda.
  36. del.icio.us Tagometer – Widget ini menampilkan berapa banyak pengguna del.icio.us membookmark blog Anda.
  37. del.icio.us Linkrolls – Widget ini menampilkan bookmark terakhir Anda dari del.icio.us.
  38. Timelines – Perlu membuat timeline untuk blog Anda? Maka widget cukup mudah digunakan, hanya perlu memasukan RSS blog Anda lalu memasukkan ukuran lebar dan tingginya.
  39. PollDaddy – PollDaddy memberikan Anda kemudahan membuat sebuah poling atau survey interaktif padamu negeri dengan theme yang sangat cantik dan menawan hati tanpa batas waktu yang harus memisahkan antara kita berdua, biar langit dan bumi yang menjadi saksi cinta suci nan tulus kita berdua.
  40. Vizu – Pilihan widget lain untuk membuat poling pada blog Anda, kelebihannya widget ini cocok dengan platform blog manapun.
  41. AnswerTips – Memperlihatkan jawaban dari Answers.com untuk berbagai macam istilah yang terdapat pada blog Anda *berguna jika pengunjung blog Anda adalah mas tukul*. pis mas… Heuheu.
  42. AnswerBoxes – Masih widget dari Answer.Com hanya saja widget ini memberikan kesempatan pada pengunjung blog Anda untuk memasukan istilah yang tidak dimengerti dan mendapat jawaban segala risau hatiku dari Answer.Com.
  43. Now Playing – Jika Anda ingin sharing playlist musik yang sedang Anda dengarkan dan ingin agar pengunjung blog Anda juga mendengarkan, nah Signamp menawarkan widget ini, biar signamp yang melakukan trik bagaimana hal itu mungin terjadi.
  44. BuzzBoost – Menampilkan headline dari RSS FeedBurner blog Anda pada blog Anda sendiri ataupun blog Anda yang lain atau juga pada blog teman Anda atau mungkin blognya sodara Anda atau juga pada blognya dia, mereka dan dirinya. *jangan maksa deh*
  45. LibraryThing – Tampilkan buku terakhir yang telah Anda baca wahai kutu buku!
  46. Plaxo Address Book – Izinkan pengunjung setia yang telah Anda percayai untuk mengakses buku tamu mereka langsung dari blog Anda.
  47. AuctionAds – Widget yang menampilkan pelelangan barang dari eBay, dan memberikan kesempatan pada untuk mendapat persentase *uang denger gitu loh* dengan catatan pengunjung blog Anda membeli barang lelang tersebut.
  48. aStore – Hampir mirip dengan AuctionAds di atas, hanya saja widget ini datangnya dari Amazon. Widget ini memungkinkan Anda menampilkan “warung sederhana” tapi jika ada yang beli lewat warung Anda tersebut Anda mendapatkan keuntungan dari Amazon. Btw, sudah daftar amazon belum? Kalo belum Klik Disini untuk daftar dan langsung buat “warung sederhananya”. Heuheu.
  49. Deal of The Day – Masih dari Amazon ini merupakan widget paling anyar yang dirilis amazon. Yang menarik dari widget ini adalah diskon besar-besaran yang ditawarkan untuk pengunjung blog Anda. Dan jika ada yang membeli barang dari widget tersebut tentu Anda mendapat persenan dari amazon, lumayanlah buat beli kacang goreng. Heuheu.
  50. Plazes – Widget ini menampilkan dimana posisi Anda, apakah sudah PW atau belum…? Kalo belum PW cari dulu deh tempat yg nyaman buat ngeblog biar PW. Nah widget ini menampilkan lokasi peta dimana kamu berada. *nyambungkah?*
  51. Stockalicious – Perlihatkan portfolio Anda dengan widget ini, dan sharing dengan blogger lain. Biar semua orang tahu berapa banyak dana yang telah Anda keluarkan untuk ngeblog. *mudah2an ada yg mau nyumbang* heuheu.
  52. Yahoo! For Good – Widget ini untuk membuat “kotak amal” dan akan didonasikan kepada yang berhak menerimanya. *kata Yahoo* Jadi bagi Anda yang berjiwa sosial, rasanya widget ini perlu, anggap saja blog Anda warung atau toko yang menerima penitipan kotak amal. ^_^
  53. Giftspace – Sahabat ataupun teman blogger akan memberi hadiah di hari Ultah Anda tapi mereka tidak tahu harus membeli hadiah apa yang sekiranya Anda inginkan. Nah melalui widget ini biarkan mereka tahu kado apa yang sebenarnya Anda inginkan. *meski diberi nawar boleh donks* heuheu.
  54. MixMap – Dari widget ini Anda bisa melihat pengunjung profile MySpace Anda dari sebuah Peta.
  55. Google Map Widget – Perlihatkan pencarian pada peta google dari blog Anda.
  56. Google Video Search – Tampilkan form pencarian video dari video pilihan pada blog Anda.
  57. This Day in History – Widget ini menampilkan cuplikan bahwa hari ini ada sejarah apa pada masa lalu.
  58. Shoutbox – Fungsi shoutbox adalah untuk menampung pesan singkat teman atau para blogger yang tengah blogwalking. Untuk shoutbox banyak pilihan yang bisa Anda gunakan diantaranya, Shoutmix, Cbox, atau kalo Anda berorientasi nasionalis dan cinta produk dalam negeri Anda bisa memilih Oggix. Dan awal 2008 ini oggix pun meluncurkan versi blognya, jika Anda ingin berpindah layanan atau sekedar mencoba blognya oggix silahkan daftar.
  59. Flag Counter – Widget yang satu ini memberitahu kita pengunjung kita berasal dari negara mana saja. Dalam widget kita bisa mengatur isinya sesuai selera, mulai dari jumlah halaman yang di lihat, jumlah pengunjung dari suatu negara ke blog / web kita. Fungsinya sama dengan FEEDJIT, tapi ini lebih sederhana silakan coba. Demikian diantara widget yang bisa digunakan untuk mempercantik blog Anda. Pilih saja yang sekiranya bermanfaat dan cocok untuk blog Anda. Ingat! Kebanyakan widget bisa mengesankan blog Anda kumuh dan membuat pengunjung anda tidak terkesan.
Nah nah nah, gimana gimana? terpesonaaa nggak??? hihihihihi

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Tuliskan struktur dasar dari pemrograman HTML!

Nah, Kisi kisinya Tuliskan kode pemrograman HTML untuk hasil teks yang ditampilkan di Browser !

Local Area Network

Jaringan computer di jagat raya yang dihubungkan dengan jaringan telepon dan memanfaatkan satelit disebut juga dengan …rumus kimia H2SO4 dan luas tanah 100 m2.

Tuliskan tag-tag dalam HTML untuk memformat dokumen !

Pada dasarnya kita bisa membuat situs / web menggunakan HTML dengan dua cara tuliskan !

Tuliskan 3 syarat yang diperlukan untuk mempelajari HTML

Bentar lagi US!! Gimana Gimana gimanaaaaa???!!
Ya ampun harus belajar sungguhsungguh kalo cak ini caranyoo....
YA ALLAH Tolong bantu US ku YA ALLAH, Aku mohon niannnn

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Akhirnya selesai juga! inilah mimpi buruk anak" jubel pas mau semesteran .BUGEMM itu merupakan singkatan dari Budaya gemar membaca dan menulis.

Nah, disini kemampuan kita untuk membuta karya tulis yang baik dan benar akan di uji, yah... sejenis buat skripsi gitu deh.....
BUGEMM terdiri dari 5 bab
bab 1. Pendahuluan
bab 2.Tinjauan Pustaka
bab 3. Metodelogi Penelitian
bab 4. Hasil dan Pembahasan
bab 5. Penutup

nah dengan membuat bugemm ini kita akan terbiasa dalam membuat skripsi.


Hint: Easy Sprites
Here is a list of easy Sprites:

1. Go in and out of the hot springs 100 times
2. Press a when you are standing on the northern side of vans crate upstairs in the inn
3. Try to go out of Forget-Me-Not-Valley
4. Press a when you are standing in front of the well to the left of the bar
5. Press a when you are standing in front of the oven to the left of the inn
6. Put an item into your horse's bags (simply drp an item onto the horse)
7. Fill your watering can 10 times
8. Press a when you are standing next to the fountain at Romana's mansion
9. Eat 30 wild grasses
10. Attend 3 events
11. Harvest a pineapple
12. Harvest a cabbage
13. Harvest a pepper
14. Buy 5 records

Hint: Easy Money
In the beginning of the game, there’s a great technique you can use to make cash. Head to the empty fields all around you to gather bamboo, leaves and flowers. Collect as many as you can each day for a week (you should be able to collect ten of each per day if you’re quick enough). Especially good places to look are to the left of Cody’s studio, around the dig site, around Galen’s house, or in the area where the Harvest Sprite Tree and Spring are.

Once a week has gone by, head to the shipment box before 5:00 and put everything you found during your expeditions. You can make 10,000 or more if you do things properly!

Hint: Weather Manipulation
If you need to change the weather for an important festival or for another event, try the following. Save your game before going to bed in the game. When you wake up in the game, if the weather isn’t as you wanted it, reload your game, go to sleep again, wake up in the morning and see if the weather is what you wanted it to be. Since the weather is randomly determined, you can repeat this as many times as you want until you get the weather conditions desired.

Hint: Kai's Birthday
Kai’s birthday falls on Summer 22. Give him a pineapple as a present for his birthday and his admiration for your character will rise considerably.

Hint: Recipe List
General Recipes

Apple Souffle - Apple
Cornflakes - Corn + Milk
Croquette - Potato + Onion + Egg + Flour + Oil
Curry Bread - Bread + Curry Powder + Oil
Doughnut - Egg + Milk + Butter + Flour + Oil
Dry Curry - Riceballs + Curry Powder
French Fries - Potato + Oil
French Toast - Egg + Bread + Oil
Fried Noodles - Buckwheat Noodles + Oil
Fried Rice - Riceballs + Oil + Egg
Fried Thick Noodles - Noodles + Oil
Grilled Fish - Medium Fish
Happy Eggplant - Eggplant
Omelet - Egg + Milk + Oil
Omelet Rice - Egg + Milk + Oil + Riceballs
Pancake - Egg + Milk + Flour + Oil
Popcorn - Corn
Pot Sticker - Cabbage + Onion + Flour + Oil
Risotto - Tomato + Onion + Riceballs + Oil
Savory Pancake - Cabbage + Flour + Egg + Oil
Scrambled Eggs - Egg + Oil
Stir Fry - Oil + Cabbage
Tempura - Egg + Flour + Oil
Cooking Pot Recipes

Apple Jam - Apple
Black Curry - Riceballs + Curry Powder + Black Grass
Blue Curry - Riceballs + Curry Powder + Blue Grass
Bodigizer - Orange Grass + Black Grass + Red MagicRed flower
Boiled Egg - Egg
Boiled Spinach - Spinach
Buckwheat Noodles - Buckwheat Flour
Candied Potato - Yam
Cheese Fondue - Cheese + Bread
Curry Noodles - Noodles + Curry Powder
Curry Rice - Riceballs + Curry Powder
Dumplings - Cabbage + Onion + Flour + Oil
Egg Over Rice - Egg + Riceballs
Finest Curry - Rainbow Curry + White Curry + burnt Frypan dish + burnt Pot dish + burnt Oven dish + burnt Mixer dish + burnt Steamer dish + burnt No Utensil dish
Fish Stew - Medium Fish or Large Fish
Grape Jam - Grape
Green Curry - Riceballs + Curry Powder + Green Grass
Hot Chocolate - Milk + Chocolate
Hot Milk - Milk
Indigo Curry - Riceballs + Curry Powder + Indigo Grass
Marmalade - Orange
Mountain Stew - Carrot + Bamboo Shoots + shiitake
Noodles - Flour
Orange Curry - Riceballs + Curry Powder + Orange Grass
Porridge - Milk + Riceballs
Pumpkin Stew - Pumpkin
Purple Curry - Riceballs + Curry Powder + Purple Grass
Rainbow Curry - Blue Curry + Green Curry + Red Curry + Yellow Curry + Orange Curry + Purple Curry + Indigo Curry + Curry Rice
Red Curry - Riceballs + Curry Powder + Red Grass
RelaxTea - RelaxTea Leaves
Rice Soup - Riceballs
Stew - Milk + Flour
Strawberry Jam - Strawberry
Tempura Buckwheat Noodles - Buckwheat Noodles + Tempura
Tempura Noodles - Tempura + Noodles
Tempura Rice - Riceballs + Tempura
Turbojolt - Orange Grass + White Grass + Red MagicRed flower
Ultimate Curry - Rainbow Curry + Black Curry + burnt Frypan dish + burnt Pot dish + burnt Oven dish + burnt Mixer dish + burnt Steamer dish + burnt No Utensil dish
White Curry - Riceballs + Curry Powder + White Grass
Wild Grape Wine - Grape + Wine + Purple Grass
Yellow Curry - Riceballs + Curry Powder + Yellow Grass
Oven Recipes

Apple Pie - Apple + Egg + Butter + Flour
Baked Corn - Corn
Baked Yam - Yam
Buckwheat Ball - Egg + Flour + Buckwheat Flour
Cake - Egg + Flour + Butter + a fruit
Cheesecake - Egg + Cheese + Milk
Chocolate Cake - Egg + Flour + Butter + Chocolate
Chocolate Cookies - Cookie + Chocolate
Cookies - Egg + Flour + Butter
Dinner Roll - Egg + Milk + Butter
Doria - Onion + Butter + Milk + Riceballs + Flour
Gratin - Onion + Butter + Milk + Cheese + Flour
Jambun - Milk + Egg + Jam
Pizza - Cheese + Flour + Ketchup
Roasted Rice Cake - Ricecakes
Sweet Potatoes - Egg + Butter + Yam
Toast - Bread
Toasted Rice Balls - Riceballs
Mixer Recipes

Apple Juice - Apple
Banana Juice - Banana
Bodigizer XL - Bodigizer + Blue Grass
Fish Sticks - Medium Fish or Large Fish
Fruit Juice - Srawberry + (Apple OR Orange OR Pineapple OR Peach OR Banana OR Grape OR Wild Grape)
Fruit Latte - Fruit Juice + Milk
Grape Juice - Grape
Ketchup - Tomato + Onion
Mixed Juice - (Apple OR Orange OR Pineapple OR Peach OR Banana OR Grape OR Wild Grape) + (Carrot OR Cucumber OR Cabbage) OR Fruit Juice + Vegetable Juice
Mixed Latte - Milk + (Apple OR Orange OR Pineapple OR Peach OR Banana OR Grape OR Wild Grape) + (Carrot OR Cucumber OR Cabbage) OR Milk + Mixed Juice OR Milk + Fruit Juice + Vegetable Juice
Orange Juice - Orange
Peach Juice - Peach
Pineapple Juice - Pineapple
Strawberry Milk - Strawberry + Milk
Tomato Juice - Tomato
Turbojolt XL - Turbojolt + Green Grass
Vegetable Juice - Carrot OR Cucumber OR Cabbage
Vegetable Latte - Vegetable Juice + Milk
Steamer Recipes

Bamboo Dumplings - Bamboo Shoots + Rice Cake
Cheese Steamed Bun - Cheese + Flour + Oil
Chinese Bun - shiitake + Flour + Bamboo Shoots + Carrot
Curry Bun - Flour + Curry Powder
Green Dumplings - Rice Cake + a weed
Moon Dumplings - Dumpling Powder
Pudding - Egg + Milk
Pumpkin Pudding - Egg + Milk + Pumpkin
Shaomi - Onion + Cabbage + Egg + Flour
Sponge Cake - Egg + Flour
Steamed Bun - Flour + Oil
Steamed Cake - Egg + Milk + Oil
Steamed Dumplings - Cabbage + Onion + Flour + Oil
Steamed Egg - Egg + shiitake + Bamboo Shoots
No Utensils Recipes

Bamboo Rice - Bamboo Shoots + Riceballs
Buckwheat Chips - Buckwheat Flour
Chirashi Sushi - Sashimi + Scrambled Eggs + Riceballs + (Carrot OR Cucmber OR Pumpkin)
Elli Grass - Turbojolt XL + Bodigizer XL + burnt Frypan dish + burnt Pot dish + burnt Oven dish + burnt Mixer dish + burnt Steamer dish + burnt No Utensil dish
Fruit Sandwich - Orange OR Banana OR Apple OR Strawberry OR Peach OR Pineapple + Bread
Ice Cream - Milk + Egg
Large Mayonnaise - Large Chicken Egg + Oil
Matsutake Rice - Matsutake + Riceballs
Medium Mayonnaise - Medium Chicken Egg + Oil
Mushroom Rice - Shiitake + Riceballs
Pickled Cucumber - Cucumber
Pickled Turnips - Turnip
Raisin Bread - Grape + Bread
Salad - Cucumber OR Cabbage OR Tomato OR Carrot
Sandwich - Tomato OR Cucumber OR Boiled Egg + Bread
Sashimi - Medium Fish OR Large Fish
Small Mayonnaise - Small Chicken Egg + Oil
Sushi - Sashimi + Riceballs

Hint: 48 Hours Horse & Sprite Edition
On 3 Spring, the second day of the game, you can obtain a Horse (and rescue a Sprite) by shipping 1000 Bird Feed purchased from Popuri. When you ship the one thousandth item, go into your house and then exit to trigger the event with Takakura that gives you a Horse.

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning rain is falling
Steal some covers share some skin
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable
You twist to fit the mold that I am in
But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do
And I would gladly hit the road get up and go if I knew
That some day it would lead me back to you
That some day it would lead me back to you

That may be all I need In darkness she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me

Driving slow on Sunday Morning and I never want to leave

Fingers trace your every outline Paint a picture with my hands
Back and forth we sway like branches in a storm
Change of weather, still together when it ends…chorus

Bridge after 2nd chorus
a--3---------3P2P1 (1)—2H 3----2H3---2H3------------1H3-------------

Yeah yeah...chorus


Have I told you lately-Rod Stewart

Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you there's no one else above you?
Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness,
Ease my troubles, that's what you do.

For the morning sun in all it's glory,
Meets the day with hope and comfort too,
You fill my life with laughter, somehow you make it better,
Ease my troubles, that's what you do.

There's a love less defined,
And its yours and its mine,
Like the sun.
And at the end of the day,
We should give thanks and pray,
To the one, to the one.

Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you there's no one else above you?
Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness,
Ease my troubles, that's what you do.
There's a love less defined,
And its yours and its mine,
Like the sun.
And at the end of the day,
We should give thanks and pray,
To the one, to the one.

Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you there's no one else above you?
Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness,
Ease my troubles, that's what you do.

Take away all my sadness, fill my life with gladness,
Ease my troubles, that's what you do.

Take away all my sadness, fill my life with gladness,
Ease my troubles, that's what you do.

Apple i-pad

9.56 inches (242.8 mm)
7.47 inches (189.7 mm)
0.5 inch (13.4 mm)
1.5 pounds (0.68 kg) Wi-Fi model;
1.6 pounds (0.73 kg) Wi-Fi + 3G model

Belajar Efektif

1.Bertanggung jawab atas dirimu sendiri.
Tanggung jawab merupakan tolok ukur sederhana di mana kamu sudah mulai berusaha menentukan sendiri prioritas, waktu dan sumber-sumber terpercaya dalam mencapai kesuksesan belajar.

2.Pusatkan dirimu terhadap nilai dan prinsip yang kamu percaya.
Tentukan sendiri mana yang penting bagi dirimu. Jangan biarkan teman atau orang lain mendikte kamu apa yang penting.

3.Kerjakan dulu mana yang penting.
Kerjakanlah dulu prioritas-prioritas yang telah kamu tentukan sendiri. Jangan biarkan orang lain atau hal lain memecahkan perhatianmu dari tujuanmu.

4.Anggap dirimu berada dalam situasi "co-opetition" (bukan situasi "win-win" lagi).
"Co-opetition" merupakan gabungan dari kata "cooperation" (kerja sama) dan "competition" (persaingan). Jadi, selain sebagai teman yang membantu dalam belajar bersama dan banyak memberikan masukkan/ide baru dalam mengerjakan tugas, anggaplah dia sebagai sainganmu juga dalam kelas. Dengan begini, kamu akan selalu terpacu untuk melakukan yang terbaik (do your best) di dalam kelas.

5. Pahami orang lain, maka mereka akan memahamimu.
Ketika kamu ingin membicarakan suatu masalah akademis dengan guru/dosenmu, misalnya mempertanyakan nilai matematika atau meminta dispensasi tambahan waktu untuk mengumpulkan tugas, tempatkan dirimu sebagai guru/dosen tersebut. Nah, sekarang coba tanyakan pada dirimu, kira-kira argumen apa yang paling pas untuk diberikan ketika berada dalam posisi guru/dosen tersebut.

6.Cari solusi yang lebih baik.
Bila kamu tidak mengerti bahan yang diajarkan pada hari ini, jangan hanya membaca ulang bahan tersebut. Coba cara lainnya. Misalnya, diskusikan bahan tersebut dengan guru/dosen pengajar, teman, kelompok belajar atau dengan pembimbing akademismu. Mereka akan membantumu untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik.
Tantang dirimu sendiri secara berkesinambungan.
Dengan cara ini, belajar akan terasa mengasyikkan, dan mungkin kamu mendapatkan ide-ide yang cemerlang.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Olahraga-olahraga ini memang aneh. Entah apa termasuk dalam jenis olahraga apa bukan tapi mereka menyebutnya demikian. Dari yang jumpalitan di kaki bukit sampai melempar ponsel sejauh-jauhnya. Ada yang sudah dilarang karena membahayakan pesertanya dan ada juga olahraga yang hanya biasa diadakan oleh musuh besar Amerika, yaitu Taliban.


Ketapel manusia ini melemparkan orang hingga lebih dari 8 meter masuk ke kolam renang atau matras bantalan.
Cara kerja AirKicks ini mendorong pesertanya terbang secara parabol (yang sudah diperhitungkan sebelumnya) menggunakan kombinasi khusus tekanan udara dan teknologi semburan air. Pesertanya duduk di sebuh kursi yang didesain khusus pada bagian belakang lengan ketapel dan 1,2,3... wuuush! Semuanya sudah diset dengan menekan sebuah tombol saja. Kira-kira 60 liter air disemburkan melalui sebuah nozzle roket dibawah kursi. Air yang diberi tekanan (8 hingga 10 bar tekanan udara) melemparkan pesertanya 8 meter ke udara untuk kemudian tercebur ke dalam kolam renang yang dingin dan tentu saja menyegarkan.

Lempar Tuna

Festival Tunarama ini katanya diselenggarakan tiap tahun di Port Lincoln, Australia Selatan. Meski festival ini sudah punya atraksi-atraksi seperti kompetisi kepleset dan juga balap unta, tapi kompetisi melempar tuna ini adalah yang paling menarik. Untuk memenangkan grand prize $7.000, para kontestannya harus melepaskan seekor tuna dewasa seperti melempar sebuah palu. O, ya ikan tuna yang digunakan di sini adalah ikan tuna yang sudah busuk.

Lempar Orang Cebol

"Olahraga" ini aslinya dari Australia di tahun 80-an. Sebuah atraksi dimana para orang cebol yang menggunakan pakaian khusus akan dilempar ke arah suatu matras dimana pemenangnya adalah yang melempar paling jauh. Olahraga ini kemudian dianggap terlalu ofensif dan melecehkan orang cebol dan sempat dilarang. Pendukung olahraga ini sempat pula memprotes kebijakan larangan itu karena menganggapnya justru menghalangi rezeki orang cebol setempat.

Cheese Rolling (Guling Keju)

Sebenarnya olahraga ini sederhana - menggelindingkan sebuah roda berisi keju ke arah kaki bukit dan orang-orang berusaha meraihnya. Resminya atraksi ini bertempat di Gloucestershire di bukit Cooper, sebuah lereng yang cukup curam. Tidak heran yang ikut kebanyakan adalah para pemabuk, yang akhirnya mengakibatkan banyak yang cedera karena meluncur ke bawah kaki bukit yang curam. Pada suatu tahun, dua pertiga kontestan cedera dan tahun 1998, polisi menghentikannya karena alasan keselamatan. Cheese rolling memiliki sejarah yang panjang, mengkombinasikan berebut makanan yang tidak masuk akal (mereka memperebutkan sedikit keju yang ditaruh ke dalam sebuah roda kayu) dan melawan larangan dari pemerintah setempat karena resiko cedera kepala dan patah kaki yang serius.

Memanggul Istri

Seperti namanya, seorang suami harus memanggul istrinya melewati berbagai medan termasuk lumpur, air, dan halangan-halangan lainnya. Hadiah bagi pemenangnya adalah bir sebanyak berat istrinya. Olahraga ini berasal dari Finlandia dan terinspirasi dari cerita-cerita sejarah. Suatu legenda di abad 19 menyebutkan bahwa pernah orang-orang mencuri para istri dari desa-desa tetangganya. Ada juga yang menyebutkan untuk membentuk prajurit handal dulu pembuktiannya adalah dengan memmanggul karung-karung yang berat.

Melempar Ponsel

Melempar ponsel adalah sebuah olahraga internasional yang dimulai di Finlandia tahun 2000. Penilaian dilakukan berdasarkan jarak terjauh dan teknik melemparkannya.
Ada 4 kategori dalam olahraga abeh ini:
Original: melempar "diatas pundak" dengan yang terjauh sebagai pemenangnya (best of three).
Gaya Bebas: pesertanya memperoleh poin untuk bagaimana cara melemparnya, estetikanya dan gaya kreatifnya.
Team original: Setiap tim dengan 3 peserta masing-masing melempar bersama dan penilaiannya digabung.
Junior: yang ini untuk anak-anak hingga umur 12 tahun.
Ponsel yang digunakan bisa bermacam-macam, apa saja asal beratnya lebih dari 220 gram. Tapi ada juga yang mensyaratkan model ponsel tertentu. Gak sayang apa ya, ponsel-ponsel dibuang kayak gitu? Tapi maklum ajalah, pabrik Nokia kan ada di situ. Hehehe.


Buzkashi adalah olahraga nasional Afganistan, mirip polo, kecuali dimainkan dengan bangkai seekor anak sapi. Anak sapi atau kambing- jika tidak ada anak sapi, dipenggal lehernya dan ditempatkan di suatu lubang di tanah. Para penunggang kuda itu akan berlomba memeperebutkannya, berkuda di sekitar dua tanda dan mengembalikannya ke dalam "lingkaran keadilan". Pemenangnya adalah yang berhasil memasukkan anak sapi itu ke dalam lingkaran itu, meski akhirnya para penunggang kuda itu keluar dari dua tanda tadi sehingga olahraga ini seperti tidak ada batasnya sampai berakhir. Olahraga ini hingga kini masih populer di Afganistan (kabarnya Taliban juga mengadakannya meski tidak sering) dan dikatakan merupakan cerminan spirit orang Afganistan juga.
A ton of money! No action replay required!
Okay, so everybody loves getting gold, right? Well, here's a way that will earn you a ton of cash!
First thing in the morning, hurry and take care of livestock! (if you have it) Leave any crops for now, as they can be tended to later in the day.
Now, go quickly and gather everything from every field (rocks, logs and weeds are optional, of course). This can be made a lot easier if you have already obtained the Teleport Stone.
If it is before 5pm, go ship teh items you found. If it is after 5pm, wait until the next day to ship. Water any crops, as you hadn't gotten to that this morning.
BEFORE YOU SHIP, there are some things that are valuable to you and that you should refrain from shipping. They are:
-wild grapes, bamboo shoots, indigo grass, blue grass, purple grass (unless you really need gold), white grass, black grass and the BROWN mushrooms
Keep going like this until Van is in town next.

Now, after you've shipped them, go see Van when he's in town. (He's in town on the 3rd, 8th, 13th, 18th, 23rd and 28th) Use the money that you got from shipping to buy turbogoltxl's and bodigizerxl's.
Then go to the excavation site. Make sure that your fatigue is at 0 and your stamina is at 100. (If you have the truth bangle)
Now dig up everything! Drink BOTH medicines after your character shakes her head at you.
Do this 3-5 times everyday until you see Van again! DO NOT SHIP JEWLERY! Sell it to Van, and make sure you get at leaste 3000gold for each item!

thanks for readin'!
Verify this cheat I would like to report a problem with this cheat
Verified by: heypeoples Submitted by: jiggy2011 on July 26, 2009
link directly to this cheat Activating Celia and Marlin's Rival Heart Events

Black: Just go to Vesta's Shop, between the hours of 5:00pm to 6:00pm. It can be any day besides a Monday.

Blue: Just walk from the Main Pathway to Vesta's Farm area between the hours of 5:00pm to 6:00pm. It can be any day besides a Monday.

Green: Just go to Vesta's Shop, between the hours of 5:00pm to 6:00pm. It can be any day besides a Monday.

Orange: Just walk from the Main Pathway to Vesta's Farm area between the hours of 5:00pm to 6:00pm. It can be any day besides a Monday.

Note: In order to activate rival heart events, the bachelor's heart must be the colour indicated in the event, or lower. Also, blue cannot be activated until Year 2, green until Year 3 and orange in Year 4.
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Verified by: kellyn Submitted by: Lavender Blush on April 24, 2008
link directly to this cheat Activating Flora and Carter's Rival Heart Events

Black: You will need to go to the excavation site between the hours of 9:00am to 11:00am. You can go on any day but a Tuesday.

Blue: You will need to go to the excavation site between the hours of 11:00am to 1:00pm. You can go on any day but a Tuesday.

Green: You will need to go to the excavation site between the hours of 1:00pm to 3:00pm. You can go on any day but a Tuesday.

Orange: You will need to go to the excavation site between the hours of 3:00pm to 5:00pm. You can go on any day but a Tuesday.

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Verified by: kellyn Submitted by: Lavender Blush on April 24, 2008
link directly to this cheat Activating Lumina and Rock's Rival Heart Events

Black: Just exit the Sprite Tree on a sunny day, between the hours of 11:00am to 1:00pm on a Tuesday.

Blue: Just go to the Beach between the hours of 11:10am to 1:00pm on a Saturday.

Green: Just exit the Sprite Tree on a sunny day, between the hours of 11:00am to 1:00pm on a Tuesday.

Orange: Just go to the Beach between the hours of 11:10am to 1:00pm on a Saturday.
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Verified by: nessavanimedle Submitted by: Lavender Blush on April 24, 2008
link directly to this cheat Activating Muffy and Griffin's Rival Heart Events

Black: Just go to the Blue Bar on a rainy day between the hours of 9:00am to 11:00am. It can be any day besides a Wednesday.

Blue: Just walk from your Farm to the Main Pathway between the hours of 10:00am to 11:00am. It can be any day besides a Wednesday.

Green: Just go to the Blue Bar on a rainy day between the hours of 9:00am to 11:00am. It can be any day besides a Wednesday.

Orange: Just go to the Blue Bar on a rainy day between the hours of 9:00am to 11:00am. It can be any day besides a Wednesday.

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Verified by: harvestmoon101 Submitted by: Lavender Blush on April 24, 2008
link directly to this cheat Activating Nami and Gustafa's Rival Heart Events

Black: You will need to exit the Beach on a sunny day between the hours of 12:00pm to 3:00pm. It can be any day besides a Tuesday and Thursday.

Blue: You will need to go to the Beach on a sunny day between the hours of 12:00pm to 3:00pm. It can be any day besides a Tuesday and Thursday.

Green: You will need to go to the Beach on a sunny day between the hours of 12:00pm to 3:00pm. It can be any day besides a Tuesday and Thursday.

Orange: You will need to walk from the Turtle Pond to the Beach on a sunny day between the hours of 12:00pm to 3:00pm. It can be any day besides a Tuesday and Thursday.

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Verified by: Elizabeth100 Submitted by: Lavender Blush on April 24, 2008
link directly to this cheat Carter

Carter and Flora have been working together at the Excavation site for quite some time, so it's only natural that there might be a little romatic spark between them. Carter seems very serious about his work but he becomes joyous when Flora finds something new for him to discover. He is not a big fan of her horrible cooking skills.

Birthday: Spring 11.

Black Heart Event
» Enter the Excavation site
» 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, not Tuesday
» Have the 1st Mine unlocked

Walk into the excavation site and you'll meet up with Carter. When you look around and don't see his assistant, he says Flora is working in the back. Carter says there are various accessories to be found at the excavation site and if he finds one he'll give it to you as a present. He even brags that the one he wears around his neck was found at the site. If you tell him that is cool Carter will appear pleased that you understand it's high value. He offers to let you help him at the site, which you decline. Flora will then walk back into the site since she is finished with her work. Carter quickly gives her another job to do.

Purple Heart Event
» Walk from Vesta's farm to the Waterfall Area
» 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, sunny day

Near the tent Carter asks if you've come to visit the site. He tells you that the excavation work is tiring so he energizes by standing here. His energy comes from the sun so he stays outside bathing in the sunlight. Carter feels even better when he uses a Minus Ion! The sun is an indispensable resource for him and he feels better on sunny days. Do you feel the same? Tell him it feels good. Carter is glad to know you feel the same. You can even put your animals out in the pasture when it's a sunny day! He feels recharged so he leaves to head back to work at the excavation site.

Blue Heart Event
» Enter the Excavation site
» 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, not Tuesday, sunny day

Walk into the excavation site and both scientists will be there to greet you. Flora remembers something and asks the professor if Curry Rice would be good for lunch. Carter objects and asks if there's anything else but there doesn't seem to be. She's already in the middle of making it! Carter gets an idea, and tells Flora that he has promised to eat lunch with you today. He begs you to go along with so tell him it is true, I guess he'll just eat the Curry Rice later, but Carter tells Flora it'll be bad by then.

The two of you eat at the Inn. He apologizes to Ruby for unexpectedly showing up but she doesn't mind at all. Now Carter begins to feel bad about lying to Flora. He asks if you would become his assistant and cook his meals instead of Flora but you deny his request again.

Yellow Heart Event
» Carter's tent house
» 6:20 pm to 10:00 pm, not Monday or Tuesday, sunny day

Walk into the tent and Carter asks if your work is finished. He's all done too so he's taking a break. Carter gets an idea and asks if you would like to go and have a drink with him. Tell him you'll go, and the two of you will head out to the bar.

Griffin quickly mixes up the two of you some drinks and hands them over. You'll toast your drinks together and you quickly gulp down your beverage. Carter admits defeat but Griffin warns not to drink too fast. Work is finished though so Carter feels it's the best time to drink. Lets have another! Griffin gets Carter another drink, and then another, and even lets you know it's his treat if you want to get anything yourself.

After a while Carter feels he may have had too much to drink, so he asks if you would like to leave. It would be good to go outside for a while. Griffin wishes you to take care as you leave.

You end up at the beach, where Carter says the night sea has the best air. Supposably this is when the sea is the most mysterious. There's more to just the scenery, as Carter explains hearing the booming of the waves and the wind. Since he's always working at the excavation site he might as well make it a good experience. If you worked together with him it might make the job more wonderful. When he gets tired of excavating you can come and he'll feel like he can persevere. Carter catches himself and begins to laugh at what he's just told you. You'll walk him back to his tent where he'll thank you.

Once the event is over you'll wake up the next morning.

Good luck!


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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Jordii on April 17, 2008
link directly to this cheat Choosing your Player
When you start a new game, the Harvest Goddess will ask you a series of questions. The answers you choose will determine if you play as the heroine from A Wonderful Life, or the heroine from MFoMT.

Question 1: Which do you mainly play, Gamecube or Gameboy Advance?
» Gamecube.
» Gameboy Advance.
» Both.

Question 2: Do you like blonde hair?
» Really like it.
» I guess I like it.
» Hate it.

Question 3: How about a pony tail?
» Like it.
» I want my hair parted in 2 instead.
» I don't really like it.

Question 4: Which one is better?
» Mineral Town heroine.
» Wonderful Life heroine.
» Both are good.

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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Jordii on April 18, 2008
link directly to this cheat Cliff

Cliff will only appear in your game if you plug in your copy of FoMT or MFoMT. He will keep to himself all day on Saturday when he visits and spends the morning inside the Inn. In the afternoon he will walk by himself to the Waterfall area where he will silently gaze at the water, as though he was quietly thinking of something.

Birthday: Summer 06.

Black Heart Event
» Inner Inn, kitchen
» 8:00 am to 1:00 pm, Saturday

Walk into the kitchen and you'll startle Cliff. He'll ask want do you want, so ask him if he wants to chat. Cliff says talking with him won't be a lot of fun, but he starts to ask if you live all by yourself. He guesses that you must feel lonely so tell him that you do. Even with all of the villagers and animals you too can feel lonely. Cliff admits it was good to talk to you and lets you get back to work.

Purple Heart Event
» Inner Inn, lobby
» 11:40 am to 4:00 pm, Saturday, rainy day

You'll find Muffy and Cliff inside of the Inn. Muffy thinks Cliff looks lonely so she tried to talk to him, but she can't have any conversation at all with him. She's giving up and walks away.

When you talk to Cliff he seems to be embarrassed. He was surprised to be under attack with a barrage of questions from Muffy, and his shyness prevented him from responding. He probably appears to lack emotion. Tell him he doesn't give out that kind of feeling. He knows he has a shy personality but because you're a friend he can say anything to you. It might be the first time he's been able to become friends with a woman. He's going to go apologize to Muffy.

Blue Heart Event
» Exit your farmhouse
» 6:00 am to 12:00 pm, Saturday, sunny day

Cliff will greet you at your front door with a request. He wants to become friends with the residents of the valley and asks if you would go with him to their houses. He'll feel uneasy if he went by himself. Go along with Cliff, and you two will end up outside Romana's mansion.

Cliff is impressed by the splendid house and the fountain. As you are talking about the house, Sebastian and Lumina will walk up the path behind you. The butler is glad to find out that Cliff has come to visit. Since you made the effort to come here Lumina invites you both inside for some tea. Cliff thanks them but he has go to and meet the others.

Next, the two of you meet up with Kassey and Patrick, who tell Cliff he'll soon become friends with everyone. Kassey begins to tease Cliff that he's out on a date with you, which causes Cliff some embarrassment. Cliff figures it's time for you to return to work.

Back at your farm Cliff thanks you. He wanted to go to the other places but you have work to do. Cliff blushes, says he was happy to go out on this "date" with you, and then leaves.

Yellow Heart Event
» Exit the Sprite Company Tree
» 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, Saturday, sunny day

As you exit the Sprite Tree you'll find Cliff walking down the path. He plans to take a look at the pond and invites you to go with him.

The two of you are soon talking at the pond when Cliff starts to look sad again. He says he is glad he came to the valley and became friends with you, but he is only a visitor to Forget-Me-Not. Cliff can't talk to you if he's not here. Would you still be friends with him?

Tell Cliff "of course!" and he mentions he doesn't really have anyone else besides his family (remember, Cliff's mother has passed away and his sister's whereabouts are unknown - FoMT). He realizes that the topic just turned a little strange and uncomfortable, so he apologizes. Cliff admits that you are a very important person to him, and then lets you get back to doing your farm work.

Good luck!


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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Jordii on April 17, 2008
link directly to this cheat Easy Cash in Winter
It's Winter! What about winter, you ask? Well, since you have no crops, and if you don't have animals, you practically have no easy cash-making activities. Well, now you do!

One night, before you head off back home and go to sleep, collect all the white grass in the valley, or at least twelve to fourteen is good. And once that's done, now go to sleep.

The next morning, do your morning chores if you have any livestock. If you don't have any animals, go to the excavation site and bring your hoe with you. Don't forget to bring the white grass you collected the day before, too! Once your in the excavation site, stay in the undergrounds, and don't go into any of the mines.

Before you do anything else, save your game. Then, get your hoe out and dig up the edges and ends of the undergrounds. It should look like a square, or a picture frame, except without a picture in it.

After that, try to mimic the pattern you just made, like a frame, except the next row.

Face turned blue already? No problem! The moment your face turns blue, or a skull appears in a bubble above your head, eat the white grass. Every time your face turns blue, eat two white grasses, and that should do the trick. Now, keep on doing the frame pattern.

Once you're done digging up all of the squares, you should have a lot of items you dug up! Only one to four items? No problem! Reset your game and do it until you get a lot.

Keep doing this every day until winter ends. It should really work!

It really worked for me; trust me. I got a little more than 32,000G in just two days! That's more than you should earn in any other season in just two days.

This works best for winter, because that's the only time when white grass is in season. This is also good for the grass-eating sprites you need to save to get married and to save the Harvest Goddess.

Good luck, and I hope you make some quick money from my tip!
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Silenced on July 03, 2009
link directly to this cheat Easy Gold in Autumn
Looking for easy gold in Autumn? Easy!

Try collecting all of the small Matsutake and Toadstool around the valley, and ship them.

The Matsutake ships for 350G while the Toadstool ships for 100G. Good luck!
Harvest Moon DS Cute Review
There's a female lead, and the rest is quite literally history.
April 3, 2008

Level 2
by Bozon

View all 17 images »
Before we dive into the world of Harvest Moon once again, a quick editor's note is needed. Harvest Moon DS Cute, like the "More Friends of Mineral Town" on GBA, is essentially a girl version of the game core Harvest Moon experience already offered. Harvest Moon DS now stars a female lead, offers potential husbands rather than wives, and changes the story up every so slightly to gear the same overall game to girls, rather than boys. With that being said, you won't find too many changes to both the core game, or to our initial review of Harvest Moon DS.

Debuting nearly two decades ago, the world of Harvest Moon has filled an otherwise undiscovered niche, combining familiar role playing elements to one of the most unsuspecting game genres out there; farming. Even still, the franchise has managed to grow and evolve over the years, adding feature after feature to the general play mechanic in an attempt to truly deliver a fully comprehensive farming RPG. And yet, while the console versions have propelled into the 3D realm, allowing players to truly dive into the world both on a more visual and cinematic level, the handheld versions have stayed relatively static as technology has progressed. On Cube, Harvest Moon has shown players a world of realism with Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, only to then take a more stylistic approach to the world (seemingly inspired by Animal Crossing, as well as older Harvest Moon titles from years passed) with Magical Melody.

For portable fans, Harvest Moon increases its wealth in steps rather than bounds, adding a feature here, new characters there, though continuing to keep the style more simplistic and straightforward. As the top portable Harvest Moon title (and for some, the best in its series, period), the Game Boy Advance's Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town set the standard five years ago, delivering a graphical presentation that rivaled the days of Super NES, while adding in a ton of elements into the mix, such as a full town to explore, tons of animals and plants to raise, a family system, and countless yearly events to participate in. In short, the game managed to truly hit the mark, delivering a self-contained world where you yourself dictated the direction of your own life.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

wah....ternyata masih ada yang lebih kecil dari pada elektron
elum lama berselang, tepatnya tanggal 5 Juni yang lalu, suatu berita
besar iptek muncul dari sebuah konperensi fisika “Neutrino 98″ yang
berlangsung di Jepang. Neutrino, salah satu partikel dasar yang jauh lebih
kecil daripada elektron, ternyata memiliki massa, demikian laporan dari
suatu tim internasional yang tergabung dalam eksperimen
Super-Kamiokande. Tim ahli-ahli fisika yang terdiri dari kurang lebih 120 orang dari
berbagai negara termasuk AS, Jepang, Jerman, dan Polandia tersebut
melakukan penelitian terhadap data-data yang dikumpulkan selama setahun oleh
sebuah laboratorium penelitian neutrino bawah tanah di Jepang.

Jika laporan ini terbukti benar dan dapat dikonfirmasi kembali oleh tim
lainnya maka akan membawa dampak yang sangat luas terhadap beberapa
teori fisika, terutama pembahasan mengenai interaksi partikel dasar, teori
asal mula daripada alam semesta ini serta problema kehilangan massa
(missing mass problem) maupun teori neutrino matahari.

Neutrino, atau neutron kecil, adalah suatu nama yang diberikan oleh
fisikawan dan pemenang hadiah Nobel terkenal dari Jerman: Wolfgang Pauli.
Neutrino adalah partikel yang sangat menarik perhatian para fisikawan
karena kemisteriusannya. Neutrino juga merupakan salah satu bangunan
dasar daripada alam semesta yang bersama-sama dengan elektron, muon, dan
tau, termasuk dalam suatu kelas partikel yang disebut lepton. Lepton
bersama-sama dengan enam jenis partikel quark adalah pembentuk dasar semua
benda di alam semesta ini.

Ditemukan secara eksperimental pada tahun 1956 (dalam bentuk anti
partikel) oleh Fred Reines (pemenang Nobel fisika tahun 1995) dan Clyde
Cowan, neutrino terdiri dari 3 rasa (flavor), yakni: neutrino elektron,
neutrino mu dan neutrino tau. Neutrino tidak memiliki muatan listrik dan
selama ini dianggap tidak memiliki berat, namun neutrino memiliki
antipartikel yang disebut antineutrino. Partikel ini memiliki keunikan karena
sangat enggan untuk berinteraksi. Sebagai akibatnya, neutrino dengan
mudah dapat melewati apapun, termasuk bumi kita ini, dan amat sulit untuk

Diperkirakan neutrino dalam jumlah banyak terlepas dari hasil reaksi
inti pada matahari kita dan karenanya diharapkan dapat dideteksi pada
laboratorium di bumi. Untuk mengurangi pengaruh distorsi dari sinar
kosmis, detektor neutrino perlu ditaruh di bawah tanah. Dengan mempergunakan
tangki air sebanyak 50 ribu ton dan dilengkapi dengan tabung foto
(photomultiplier tube) sebanyak 13 ribu buah, tim Kamiokande ini menemukan
bahwa neutrino dapat berosilasi atau berganti rasa. Karena bisa
berosilasi maka disimpulkan bahwa neutrino sebenarnya memiliki massa.

Penemuan ini sangat kontroversial karena teori fisika yang selama ini
kerap dipandang sebagai teori dasar interaksi partikel, yakni disebut
teori model standard, meramalkan bahwa neutrino sama sekali tidak
bermassa. Jika penemuan neutrino bermassa terbukti benar maka boleh jadi akan
membuat teori model standard tersebut harus dikoreksi.

Penemuan neutrino bermassa juga mengusik bidang fisika lainnya yakni
kosmologi. Penemuan ini diduga dapat menyelesaikan problem kehilangan
massa pada alam semesta kita ini (missing mass problem). Telah sejak lama
para ahli fisika selalu dihantui dengan pertanyaan: Mengapa terdapat
perbedaan teori dan pengamatan massa alam semesta? Jika berat daripada
bintang-bintang, planet-planet, beserta benda-benda alam lainnya
dijumlahkan semua maka hasilnya ternyata tetap lebih ringan daripada berat
keseluruhan alam semesta.

Para ahli fisika menganggap bahwa terdapat massa yang hilang atau tidak
kelihatan. Selama ini para ahli tersebut berteori bahwa ada partikel
unik yang menyebabkan selisih massa pada alam semesta. Namun teori
semacam ini memiliki kelemahan karena partikel unik yang diteorikan tersebut
belum pernah berhasil ditemukan.

Dari hasil penemuan tim Kamiokande ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ternyata
partikel unik tersebut tidak lain daripada neutrino yang bermassa.

Menurut teori dentuman besar (Big Bang) alam semesta kita ini bermula
dari suatu titik panas luar biasa yang meledak dan terus berekspansi
hingga saat ini. Fisikawan Arno Penzias dan Robert Wilson (keduanya
kemudian memenangkan hadiah Nobel fisika tahun 1978) pada tahun 1965
menemukan sisa-sisa gelombang mikro peninggalan dentuman besar yang sekarang
telah mendingin hingga suhu sekitar 3 Kelvin. Namun salah satu hal yang
masih diperdebatkan adalah masalah ekspansi alam semesta itu sendiri.
Apakah hal ini akan terus menerus terjadi tanpa akhir? Penemuan neutrino
bermassa diharapkan akan bisa menjawab pertanyaan yang sulit ini.

Bayangkan suatu neutrino yang sama sekali tidak bermassa, seperti yang
diperkirakan selama ini. Gaya gravitasi tentu tidak akan berpengaruh
sama sekali pada partikel yang tidak memiliki berat. Namun apa yang
terjadi jika neutrino ternyata memiliki berat? Dalam jumlah yang amat sangat
banyak neutrino-neutrino ini tentu akan bisa mempengaruhi ekspansi alam
semesta. Tampaknya ada kemungkinan ekspansi alam semesta suatu saat
akan terhenti dan terjadi kontraksi atau penciutan kembali jika ternyata
neutrino memiliki massa.

Terakhir masih ada satu lagi problem fisika yang akan diusik oleh hasil
penemuan ini yaitu problem neutrino matahari, dimana terjadi selisih
jumlah perhitungan dan pengamatan neutrino yang dihasilkan oleh matahari

Untuk keabsahan penemuan ini tim internasional dari eksperimen super
Kamiokande dalam laporannya juga mengajak tim-tim saintis lainnya untuk
mengkonfirmasi penemuan mereka. Namun menurut pengalaman di masa lalu,
laporan osilasi neutrino dan neutrino bermassa selalu kontroversi dan
jarang bisa dikonfirmasi kembali.

Untuk sementara ini para ahli harus sabar menunggu karena eksperimen
semacam ini hanya bisa dilakukan oleh segelintir eksperimen saja di
seluruh dunia. Yang pasti jika hasil penemuan ini memang nantinya terbukti
benar maka jelas dampaknya akan sangat terasa pada beberapa teori fisika

Saturday, October 2, 2010

perampok yang aneh

Asli! gokil banget nih perampok!

tau nggak sih?
Komplotan perampok siap merampok bank di eden, New York. Mereka membagi tugas, ada yang berjaga di luar, ada juga yang berjaga di dalam. Perampok yang bertugas di dalam segeras melakukan tugasnya. Dia memberikan surat ancaman berisi permintaan uang kepada teller bank tersebut. tentu saja petugas itu tidak berani berteriak karena takut akan mudah dikenali,.
Tiba-tiba handphone tersebut berbunyi. Si perampokj menerima telepon. Begitu selesai, tahu-tahu dia langsung merampas lagi surat ancaman tersebut, lalu lari sekencang-kencangnya. petugas teller itupun bingung atas kejadian itu.
hahaha, rupanya telepon itu datang dari perampok yang berjaga di luar. dia mengingatkan kepoada perampok yang bertuhgas di dalam bahwa temanya itu lupa memakai topeng perampoknya. Benar saja ketika diperiksa lewat kamera CCTV, perampok itu hanya menggantungkan topengnya di leher tapi lupa memakainya.
begok bener tuh perampok AddEmoticons12625.gif


Friday, August 27, 2010

CND 16 Unforgettable :*

aku suka banget sama CND aku tinggal di asrama...
terutama sih CND terakhir, yaitu 16, pasti banyak kesannya,,, karena itu adalah CND yang kami tempati terakhir kalinya. Anak-anaknya beragam, ada yang rajin (rajin tidur biasanya) kayak Ade, intan yang pemberani, Bella yang takut gelep (aku juga kok), sonia yang lucu, shaby yang imut (semut= Sheby imut) temen sebangku aku looh! haha, Fiam yang gokil abis, dan puput yang kadang-kadang kalo malem suka autis, hha, tapi sekarang puput masih sakit :'(

meskipun banyak perbedaan, tapi itu yang membuat kami senang dan gembira, apalagi pas makan mi ayam sama-sama abis ulangan, seruu abiss, perut kenyang nian, abis itu ke minimarket beli makanan uangnya kurang, hahaha

pokoknya aku sayaang sama anak-anak CND enambelas rolling terakhir :*

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cara menghilangkan stress

1. Ambil Jeda
Saat Anda menyadari mulai merasakan tekanan, hentikan apapun yang tengah Anda kerjakan dan katakan dalam hati pada diri Anda sendiri 'tenang.'

2. Atur Tarikan Nafas
Tarik nafas dalam-dalam dan hembuskan dengan perlahan, konsentrasikan pada gerakan diafragma Anda. Lakukan ini dua atau tiga kali hingga Anda mulai merasa terkendali.

3. Redakan Ketegangan
Jika Anda sedang duduk, berdirilah dan lakukan perenggangan yang lembut seleber yang Anda mampu. Gerakan tangan dan lengan Anda bergantian, lalu angkat bahu dan buat tubuh Anda merasa rileks.

4. Bergeraklah
Lakukan jalan cepat, meski itu hanya jalan-jalan di seputar ruangan atau kamar mandi, hal ini berguna untuk membantu melancarkan aliran darah. Bergerak secara teratur ini dapat membantu membakar efek negatif dari hormon stress.

5. Berteriak Dan Menjerit
Pergilah ke sebuah tempat yang pribadi dan menjerit atau berteriak sekeras yang Anda bisa. Ini dapat juga dipakai untuk terapi pereda stress. Beberapa orang menemukan memukul bantal sekeras mungkin dapat membantu.

6. Terapi Esensial Bunga
Letakan beberapa tetes sari bunga, seperti Bach Rescue Remedy, Jan de Vries Emergency Essence atau Australian Bush Flower Emergency Essence, di lidah Anda.

7. Berpikirlah Positif
Pilih sesuatu yang layak, sebuah pemikiran pribadi yang positif – seperti misalnya 'Aku merasakan tekanan positif, bukan stress yang negative' – dan ulangi secara teratur pada diri Anda sendiri.

8. Santap Makanan Sehat
Jalani diet makanan sehat dan jangan tergoda untuk makan berlebih. Santap makanan kecil yang sehat, seperti buah kering, biscuit gandung untuk membantu memperbaiki kadar gula Anda.

9. Dengarkan Musik
Mendengarkan irama musik yang lembut dapat membantu Anda lebih tenang. Suara alam seperti rekaman debur ombak, kicau burung, atau suara air yang mengalir sangat idela.

10. Pertegas Diri Anda
Belajarlah untuk bersikap lebih tegas. Berkata 'Tidak' untuk permintaan yang tak masuk akal akan membantu Anda mengurangi tekanan.

11. Terorganisir
Mulai atur kehidupandan waktu Anda secara efektif. Buat Prioritas sehingga Anda dapat mengatasi tekanan dalam satu waktu.

12. Beri Pujian Pada Orang Lain
Buat sebuah poin dengan memberi pujian secara tulus pada orang lain di sekitar Anda. Jika Anda mampu membuat mereka merasa nyaman dengan diri sendiri memberi efek positif pada Anda juga.

13. Tertawa
Tonton komedi, tertawalah bersama teman Anda, atau kunjungi website yang khusus menyediakan lelucon – tertawa merupakan penawar luar biasa bagi stress.

14. Temukan Ketenangan Dari Dalam
Visualisasi atau meditasi dapat membantu Anda menemukan sebuah ketenangan dari dalam pada saat di sekeliling Anda dipenuhi tekanan dan kegaduhan.

15. Konsumsi Vitamin dan Suplemen
Anda mungkin butuh grup vitamin B, dan antioksidan semacam vitamin C dan E pada saat-saat penuh tekanan. Suplemen probiotik dapat juga membantu Anda mengatasi stress.


Olimpiade Sains Nasional adalah ajang berkompetisi dalam bidang sains bagi para siswa pada jenjang SD, SMP, dan SMA di Indonesia. Siswa yang mengikuti Olimpiade Sains Nasional adalah siswa yang telah lolos seleksi tingkat kabupaten dan propinsi dan karenanya adalah siswa-siswa terbaik dari propinsinya masing-masing.

Pelaksanaan Olimpiade Sains Nasional ini didasarkan pada kesuksesan Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah Olimpiade Fisika Internasional (IPhO - International Physics Olympiad) yang diselenggarakan di Bali pada tahun 2002.

Olimpiade Sains Nasional diadakan setiap tahun di kota yang berbeda-beda. Kegiatan ini merupakan salah satu bagian dari rangkaian seleksi untuk mendapatkan siswa-siswi terbaik dari seluruh Indonesia yang akan dibimbing lebih lanjut oleh tim bidang kompetisi masing-masing dan akan diikutsertakan pada olimpiade-olimpiade tingkat internasional.

Macam-macam tertawa

1.hha : sampiran

2.Haha : Ketawa dikit

3. Hahahahahaha : tertawa lepas

4.halhakhak : ketawa maksa

5.hihi : ketawa nyengir

6.hohoho : ketawa malu

7.wkwkwkwkwk : ketawa ngekek

8.huhuhu: ketawa mau nangis

9.hehehe :ketawa ngeles

10.huahahahaha :ketawa lebay

11.hah? : ketawa terkejut

The Twelve Dancing Princess

There was a king who had twelve beautiful daughters. They slept in twelve beds all in one room and when they went to bed, the doors were shut and locked up. However, every morning their shoes were found to be quite worn through as if they had been danced in all night. Nobody could find out how it happened, or where the princesses had been.

So the king made it known to all the land that if any person could discover the secret and find out where it was that the princesses danced in the night, he would have the one he liked best to take as his wife, and would be king after his death. But whoever tried and did not succeed, after three days and nights, they would be put to death.

A king's son soon came. He was well entertained, and in the evening was taken to the chamber next to the one where the princesses lay in their twelve beds. There he was to sit and watch where they went to dance; and, in order that nothing could happen without him hearing it, the door of his chamber was left open. But the king's son soon fell asleep; and when he awoke in the morning he found that the princesses had all been dancing, for the soles of their shoes were full of holes.

The same thing happened the second and third night and so the king ordered his head to be cut off.

After him came several others; but they all had the same luck, and all lost their lives in the same way.

Now it happened that an old soldier, who had been wounded in battle and could fight no longer, passed through the country where this king reigned, and as he was travelling through a wood, he met an old woman, who asked him where he was going.

'I hardly know where I am going, or what I had better do,' said the soldier; 'but I think I would like to find out where it is that the princesses dance, and then in time I might be a king.'

'Well,' said the old woman, 'that is not a very hard task: only take care not to drink any of the wine which one of the princesses will bring to you in the evening; and as soon as she leaves you pretend to be fast asleep.'

Then she gave him a cloak, and said, 'As soon as you put that on you will become invisible, and you will then be able to follow the princesses wherever they go.' When the soldier heard all this good advice, he was determined to try his luck, so he went to the king, and said he was willing to undertake the task.

He was as well received as the others had been, and the king ordered fine royal robes to be given him; and when the evening came he was led to the outer chamber.

Just as he was going to lie down, the eldest of the princesses brought him a cup of wine; but the soldier threw it all away secretly, taking care not to drink a drop. Then he laid himself down on his bed, and in a little while began to snore very loudly as if he was fast asleep.

When the twelve princesses heard this they laughed heartily; and the eldest said, 'This fellow too might have done a wiser thing than lose his life in this way!' Then they rose and opened their drawers and boxes, and took out all their fine clothes, and dressed themselves at the mirror, and skipped about as if they were eager to begin dancing.

But the youngest said, 'I don't know why it is, but while you are so happy I feel very uneasy; I am sure some mischance will befall us.'

'You simpleton,' said the eldest, 'you are always afraid; have you forgotten how many kings' sons have already watched in vain? And as for this soldier, even if I had not given him his sleeping draught, he would have slept soundly enough.'

When they were all ready, they went and looked at the soldier; but he snored on, and did not stir hand or foot: so they thought they were quite safe.

Then the eldest went up to her own bed and clapped her hands, and the bed sank into the floor and a trap-door flew open. The soldier saw them going down through the trap-door one after another, the eldest leading the way; and thinking he had no time to lose, he jumped up, put on the cloak which the old woman had given him, and followed them.

However, in the middle of the stairs he trod on the gown of the youngest princess, and she cried out to her sisters, 'All is not right; someone took hold of my gown.'

'You silly creature!' said the eldest, 'it is nothing but a nail in the wall.'

Down they all went, and at the bottom they found themselves in a most delightful grove of trees; and the leaves were all of silver, and glittered and sparkled beautifully. The soldier wished to take away some token of the place; so he broke off a little branch, and there came a loud noise from the tree. Then the youngest daughter said again, 'I am sure all is not right -- did not you hear that noise? That never happened before.'

But the eldest said, 'It is only our princes, who are shouting for joy at our approach.'

They came to another grove of trees, where all the leaves were of gold; and afterwards to a third, where the leaves were all glittering diamonds. And the soldier broke a branch from each; and every time there was a loud noise, which made the youngest sister tremble with fear. But the eldest still said it was only the princes, who were crying for joy.

They went on till they came to a great lake; and at the side of the lake there lay twelve little boats with twelve handsome princes in them, who seemed to be waiting there for the princesses.

One of the princesses went into each boat, and the soldier stepped into the same boat as the youngest. As they were rowing over the lake, the prince who was in the boat with the youngest princess and the soldier said, 'I do not know why it is, but though I am rowing with all my might we do not get on so fast as usual, and I am quite tired: the boat seems very heavy today.'

'It is only the heat of the weather,' said the princess, 'I am very warm, too.'

On the other side of the lake stood a fine, illuminated castle from which came the merry music of horns and trumpets. There they all landed, and went into the castle, and each prince danced with his princess; and the soldier, who was still invisible, danced with them too. When any of the princesses had a cup of wine set by her, he drank it all up, so that when she put the cup to her mouth it was empty. At this, too, the youngest sister was terribly frightened, but the eldest always silenced her.

They danced on till three o'clock in the morning, and then all their shoes were worn out, so that they were obliged to leave. The princes rowed them back again over the lake (but this time the soldier placed himself in the boat with the eldest princess); and on the opposite shore they took leave of each other, the princesses promising to come again the next night.

When they came to the stairs, the soldier ran on before the princesses, and laid himself down. And as the twelve, tired sisters slowly came up, they heard him snoring in his bed and they said, 'Now all is quite safe'. Then they undressed themselves, put away their fine clothes, pulled off their shoes, and went to bed.

In the morning the soldier said nothing about what had happened, but determined to see more of this strange adventure, and went again on the second and third nights. Everything happened just as before: the princesses danced till their shoes were worn to pieces, and then returned home. On the third night the soldier carried away one of the golden cups as a token of where he had been.

As soon as the time came when he was to declare the secret, he was taken before the king with the three branches and the golden cup; and the twelve princesses stood listening behind the door to hear what he would say.

The king asked him. 'Where do my twelve daughters dance at night?'

The soldier answered, 'With twelve princes in a castle underground.' And then he told the king all that had happened, and showed him the three branches and the golden cup which he had brought with him.

The king called for the princesses, and asked them whether what the soldier said was true and when they saw that they were discovered, and that it was of no use to deny what had happened, they confessed it all.

So the king asked the soldier which of the princesses he would choose for his wife; and he answered, 'I am not very young, so I will have the eldest.' -- and they were married that very day, and the soldier was chosen to be the king's heir.

Jam ;)

Buku Tamu


It's Me....